Holiday Craft Fair 15th in MORRISTOWN, TN

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Holiday Craft Fair 15th in MORRISTOWN, TN

NOTE: This event's information has NOT YET been confirmed for this year.
Last year's information provided for reference.
(Events are updated daily)

Date 12/07/2024
Promoter Rose Center
Event Name Holiday Craft Fair 15th
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Event Location 442 West Second North St.
Craftmaster Codes $35 FOR 6 FT TABLE OR 55 FOR 2,6X4,ACO
20+ BTHS,FREE ADM,Sa 9am-4pm
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info It takes more than Santa’s Elves to make a merry Christmas. Prater Hall will host hardworking elves like Laura Axon- pens and jewelry, Phyllis Baker- wreaths, Carmalitta Barbour- jewelry, Matt Blake- handmade candles, Teresa Brabston- fiber, Beverly Brooks- cake pops and bombs, Vicki Cowan- handmade goat milk skin care, Lydia Elam- fiber, Brenda Gibson- florals, Hailey Hill- DIY hat bar, Ann Lane- jewelry, Sita Loop- painting, Karen Lovell- fiber, Dorothy McMillian- cornhusk dolls, Margaret Tindall- Ornaments, Harold Noe- handmade knives, Charlene North- stained glass, Cheryl Peyton- author, Susan Rasmussen- greeting cards, Amanda Reed- ornaments and home décor, Jenny Roark- flower pot ornaments, Toni Scott- ornaments, Crystal Sweitzer- ceramics, and Jacqueline Yount- jewelry and home décor.
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